May 9, 2008

Sketching Life

[I can't post without saying, HAPPY 35th BIRTHDAY, PAMELA!!]

Upon my morning arrivals at One Columbus, I am greeted by the regular people...our security staff, Rhonda our "client service coordinator," and Tim, the greeter for USBank whose doors open into the lobby of our building. Tim is a smiling older gentleman whose job it is to greet everyone that walks in the doors, to know people's names and make them feel welcome. My name comes easy to him as it is his daughter's name, too...and he is awfully proud of her.

As it turns out, Tim is something of a renowned artist...the medium: "Etch-A-Sketch." His etches are often on display in the Starbucks that is across the lobby from his bank post. I must say, that they are incredible. The drawings would be good in pencil. I remember as a kid how proud I would be if I could make a closed circle on the pad -- let alone detailed drawings of things. I liked playing with the Etch-A-Sketch. It was for me like I game I could not ever win...but one that was intriguing.

One of the beauties of this world is that you never know who you'll never know how you will be impacted by someone who is, at first, a mere stranger. When I walk through the door, he beams at me because I remind him of his daughter. I always smile in response to his joy.

Yesterday, or the day before, I went down to the lobby to grab an espresso. Tim looked at me and said, "You always look so peaceful, happy and serene."

On that hard day, I was grateful for the kindness of a stranger; but a member of the fabric of my present day. It reinforced everything all of those people who know and love me have been telling me. It reinforced my support system.

Thank you Tim. I, like you, vow to bring joy to one person each morning. Everyday, unknowingly, you remind me of that.

PostScript: "Starbucks Lattes now for sale for $0.23," was written on a 4"x6" Etch-A-Sketch Tim showed me on my way out today. I said, "Tim, you're going to make some trouble." He winked.

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