May 3, 2008

Owning our Reality

We are where we are because we have allowed it to be possible.

I experience those people who a mired in anger and self-pity. These are people who cannot see their role in creating pain; they can sense any other reality for themselves. They grasp at the energy and lives of those who seem to have more. They may even look at violence and destruction as a means to improve their situation. In the short run, they may find satisfaction; in the long run, their reality remains the same -- one of pain.

I also experience those people who walk smiling and with peace. These are people who own their reality; they work to overcome the inertia of their pain body. They share energy and love. These people work through pain and obstacles and take responsibility for making changes. They continuously shine the light through work and home that illuminates the path for the rest of us should we choose to walk it. They are in harmony with the moment, opening the door to a future of infinite possibility -- one of great joy.

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