May 25, 2008

Life as it Is

safety, food, companionship 

shelter, nourishment, love

As we travel along our road of becoming it sometimes happens that we put ourselves into frightening situations that create the fear of loss of our basic human needs. We find ourselves in situations where remedy seems illusive. We develop shelters and practices that allow us to retreat temporarily into isolated safety and comfort. "I want to go home."

As we step forward with increasing wisdom, we recognize that assuming the pain of others is not a necessary component of compassion. As we grow and begin heal from our wounds, these wounds sometimes still wisp their way into our consciousness -- even without appropriate stimuli -- creating the visceral root chakra's "fight or flight" response. When we recognize this reaction; when we name its cause; when we recognize the impermanence of even that pain; we can then take another step forward into living with it is.

When we can learn to be fully present the fears from the past lose all their power. Safety, home and love then become shelters that move with us and provide nourishment for ourselves and others wherever we go.

I recognized today that some of my pained relationship with Michael was impacting my life now in a negative way. I recognized the physical reaction to flee from a situation where there was no danger. I defined the problem, noted the source and released that pain from my unconsciousness. I developed clarity on another facet of what it means to be present.

I feel greater compassion for where I am today and for everyone in my life.

I recognize my increasing ability to love.

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