May 10, 2010

Mother's Day 2010

"I'm visiting my 37 year old daughter.  Her birthday is on Mother's Day this year.  We're at the zoo and having a great time."

"I'm worried about my girls.  I'm having trouble dealing with my own pain from my divorce and I have a hard time not seeing their world through my pain.  They are reaching puberty and using the separation (I want to go live with Daddy) to hurt me when they are angry."

"I'm celebrating my 60th wedding anniversary this week."

'I'm a new stepmom...well, not really...we're not married, but I love having the kids around.  They call me their "friend-mom." '

"It's been a long time since I've felt any intimacy with my husband.  As painful as it is; it isn't changing.  I can't seem to change yet I can't let go.  I'm afraid."

"I'm missing my mom.  She died last year. I will go to the cemetery and bring her flowers."

"I'm beautiful and strong and I have a gorgeous teenage daughter.  My ex-husband and I have done a great job of letting her know she is dearly loved and providing nurturing environments for her to grow."

"I'm a single mom in love again.  What a wonderful surprise.  It's hard because I've got alot of baggage, but I am learning so much about myself.  My kids and family love him, too."

"I have trouble with my kids.  We don't see each other as often as I'd like...and again, my son cancelled dinner plans; this time on mother's day.  I went to dinner with a friend and we celebrated moms."

"I never had children, but have been pregnant in the past.  I frequently wonder what kind of a mother I would have been.   Menopause is setting in, I will not have children of my own."

"I took my daughter on her first driving practice.  The best present for mother's day is that we came back in one piece and she's getting a little comfortable driving."

"My mom had her 70th birthday on Friday of mother's day weekend.  She had breast cancer a few years ago and is recovered. We are celebrating all weekend."

"I never knew my mom.  I grew up in foster homes and it was really hard.  I still have a hard time thinking about her and my childhood."

"My mom and my mother-in-law had the same unusual name.  They have both been gone for a while, as has my husband.  We had no children, but I always spend this day enjoying dear friendships."

"This is our first mother's day as parents.  We are so far from our families and my husband is in grad school.  Somehow, I can stay at home with our daughter.  She is so beautiful."

"My dad died last year and her baby sister died last week.  I am so worried about her.  She seems not to want to share how she is feeling and I know it must be so hard.  She wanted nothing to do with mother's day celebration, but we were able to plan just the right thing and she had such a wonderful time.  She seems to be feeling better.  She's 93."

"I am a step mom.  The day after mother's day, we get to go see the ultrasound of our first grandchild.  We are so excited.  So excited."


These are some of this week's stories of moms I know.  As I type this, I am listening to the Diane Reem show on NPR and they are talking about preventing abusive relationships.  I am thinking about all of the women and men I know, their loved ones (family, friends, lovers, children) and how our interactions model healthy (or unhealthy) relationships with people.  It is so critical to model love, compassion, and kindness for our children; to create home as a place of safety, peace, and joy.

On this Mother's Day and during this year, I wish for us all that we can look at our family and friends with eyes of compassion and joy.   I wish that we see the mother in all of us and each take responsibility for our place in this world.

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