June 30, 2008

Hitchin' a Ride

"Troubled times, you know I can not lie
I'm off the wagon and I'm hitchin' a ride."

Funny how some of the most simple thoughts can mull around in your brain until they become more profound than they were ever meant to be...

I was listening to Green Day while driving and on came this swinging little punk rock song (swing beat, bass, swing dancing in the video). Having heard it dozens of times and enjoyed it each time, this picture came into my head:

I'm off the wagon and I'm hitchin' a ride

Yeah...I'm really thankful for those who purposefully and serendipitously either remind me of or bring me to my higher self. I have no idea what the intent of the song was other than boyish fun...but it the end, when I'm off the wagon, I do hope that I can look around me and find that ride.


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