August 13, 2008

Design Paradigm

Working in the field of design day after day, I see two attitudes that are what I would consider the antithesis of good design:

Attitude One: We design the way we do because it is how we set our fees. We are efficient and consistent. We have designed this way for years and our clients are satisfied with our work.

Attitude Two: We design the way we do because we want recognition. We strive to be avant garde and to impress with our signature elements.

Neither attitude values the owner. Neither value reflects the community. So I ask: What new questions do we need to ask to raise the barre for our clients; Ohio's public schools? How might we begin to guide our designers to a place where they are willing to adopt a value system of form following function; of operational efficiency over design efficiency? In what ways might we assist designers in learning that their legacy is formed in the intrinsic and extrinsic value of their designs...not in the bottom line design cost; not in the lack of connection.

How do we use our position to support the new conversations of how we are stronger together?

This is how I approach every day. I approach each day with the goal of learning to be better together.

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