June 15, 2008

Je te Adore

To adore, according to Merriam-Webster, means:

1 : to worship or honor as a deity or as divine 2 : to regard with loving admiration and devotion <adored his wife> 3 : to be very fond of <adores pecan pie>

Several weeks ago, an acquaintance was described as "looking for a man who adores her." This was described in detail as wanting a man who puts her up on a pedestal and treats her like a deserved princess, worships her and buys her extravagant gifts. I thought, "no, that kind of relationship would not be for me." Viewing someone as though they are beyond perfect and without fault comes with very high expectations and is bound to lead to disappointment for everyone. It's certainly not the kind of love that nurtures the soul. It's the kind of relationship that removes you from what is real; what is life. Not for me.

Then I considered that word "adore." There are many people whom I adore. I really truly adore them. There is no better word for it. I love them, admire them and, for me to adore them, they also tickle me to no end. They make my daily sense of being that much more pleasurable. I have friends, colleagues, family members, and a lover who I adore. Literally.

So, thinking of these people who I adore, people who comprise the substance of my heart, I am certainly struck with the irony of this word. Adoration comes in two varieties. In terms of the nurturing it provides, those two are worlds apart.

[missing you, Jack. Have a beautiful time in WY.]

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