March 30, 2010

Alright Now

Today is the day I began my true exit from the last 11 years of work, the day I let it all go without a fight.

So, here I am sitting in my exit interview when our Executive Director (an adult), says, "I don't understand why you cc'd me on the resume.  It should have been written to me.  I've been here six months, which isn't very long and I don't know you, really...but you should have addressed it to me.  I'm the Director.  So, when I saw it, I just dismissed you and it."

He kept repeating the same thing over and over.  He heard nothing; offered less.

So today, I breathe a bit easier than I thought I might have with this decision.

It feels good.  Really good moving on to the completely unknown adventure of what is next.

Really good.  It's all right now.

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