September 24, 2008

Reminder: Stillness Needed

Voices from the garden say: Be still. Observe with intensity. Wait with patience. Decide with discernment. Move with swiftness.

In work.
In play.
In rest.

I am reminded to be with my own power, recognizing it is.


Anonymous said...

Elaine, Today, my oldest grandson Matthew Antoine's birthday, he's now 14, and also now birth day of my niece Katie's firstborn son, at 12:27 this afternoon.

Your photo of the captured and conqueror, after an evening of Channel 25 raptor catches... reminds me that we failed so far to get you out to the cottage where the children took so many such photos and themselves captured such creatures. Still want to come? I hope to see you at your October gathering. Alice

Elaine said...

Who is the raptor, Alice? You or me? ;)

My native spirit guide, set at birth is the hawk.

I would love to come to the cottage, but with the crazy schedule I keep, might be better planned for next summer.

Hoping to see you in October, if not, at least for a cup of tea or glass of wine.