September 25, 2008

Carnal Cannibals

Wow. (photo taken around 8:00 this a.m. in my garden)

September 24, 2008

Reminder: Stillness Needed

Voices from the garden say: Be still. Observe with intensity. Wait with patience. Decide with discernment. Move with swiftness.

In work.
In play.
In rest.

I am reminded to be with my own power, recognizing it is.

September 23, 2008

Healing Paradox

Now, a budding Reiki adept, I set my focus on healing.

I find that for me as the healing energy moves along the hara line, each chakra is agitated by the healing energy, producing (perhaps releasing) what probably is my worst possible behaviour for that place.
February 2007

2nd chakra, splenic (sacral) chakra: governs instinct and gut feelings. Seat of vitality and many emotions.

2nd attunement, emotional body: stress, hysteria, frustration, anxiety, depression, confusion, frees emotional responses for sexual health, opens channels for greater creativity.

At that time, I put a chair through my office wall. It was for no reason, it was spontaneous and fortunately, it was just a leg through the drywall and the hole was no bigger than 3" in diameter, but I was emotional. I was angry. I was ashamed.
Yesterday, I had a moment...a couple of hours...that seemed to be releasing through my Reiki master attunement.

Spiritual body: 3rd chakra, solar plexus: Promotes the ability to accept without the need for control. Personal power and ego issues. Connection to akashic records.

Relaxation, stress, clarity, centering, freedon of choice, release of frustration, release fears, release need to control or manipulate, promote self-confidence, stepping into your own power.

I behaved badly. I exercised my power to, potentially, the detriment of the beauty in my life. Fortunately, my love was so kind, warm, welcoming..."I don't want you to be alone in this," he said, regarding the most painful experience of my life (and honestly, a moment of skidding on emotional black ice).
But, now I feel more like myself. More free, more honest, more grounded.

Perhaps that is all that it is: My power is in I AM. Healing allows the connections in my life to resonate with I AM. It allows me to humbly resonate with I AM.

I think I am becoming. I believe I am healing.

I don't know what's next...that IS okay.

September 16, 2008

Short Happy Life...

Something about the Republican Presidential Ticket got me thinking of the Hemingway short story "The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber." Acclaimed for its ambiguous brutality, this story of innate violence affected me so strongly that I could no longer read Hemingway.

It simply captured the ugliest tendencies in human nature; it was beautifully written and affirmed to me that WE as a species may not be fit to survive here; it made me question modern life and all of its extravagant outrages. This story captured our tendency toward appropriating everything in our sites as though it was ours to own.

It captured the sense of entitlement that we often display that may, in the end, be our very demise.

Mrs. Palin, I implore you: Put down your gun.

September 9, 2008

We Have Responsibility

we are to care for one another

we are to have empathy

there is nothing else

September 7, 2008

What Language?

Life is about living; about freedom; about community; about honesty.

When I look at the possibilities facing us this fall, I ask myself: What language...which country?





What language would open doors of living in the land? What language would support a life that is filled with small beautiful acts of self-sustaining community? What language brings family with life, with mountains and the sea.

I no longer wish for vast platitudes, but, instead for close warmth.

September 4, 2008


grows in shade and relatively tough/

grows in dark wet spaces and may be dangerous/

becomes invasive and leads to confusion; to rumor and rumination/ this

(I got to thinking about how similar those words are while watering a few days ago. One a groundcover, one the infamous "black mold." Yeah, I probably spent too much time in 95 degree heat after a zero water summer watering shrubs).

I didn't think when I moved to Columbus I'd moved to the desert.